Kindergarten Graduation is Tuesday, May 23, at 7:00 pm at Devil Dog Arena.
May 22nd Calendar of Events:
Congratulations to the Class of 2023! The South Conway County School District and Morrilton High School are excited to celebrate this milestone with all our graduates and their families at the 2023 commencement ceremony at Devil Dog Arena on Sunday, May 21st at 2:30 p.m.
May 19th Calendar of Events:
May 18th Calendar of Events:
May 17th Calendar of Events:
May 16th Calendar of Events:
May 15th Calendar of Events:
May 12th Calendar of Events:
May 11th Calendar of Events:
May 10th Calendar of Events:
May 9th Calendar of Events:
May 8-12 is Teacher Appreciation Week! Please reach out to a teacher and thank them for their service.
"It's the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom." –Michael Morpurgo
May 8th Calendar of Events:
On Saturday, May 6th, the South Conway County School District inducted the inaugural class of the SCCSD Hall of Distinction. It was a night of recognition of our District's rich history and legacy of excellence.
Inductees were:
Dr. Ray Fullerton
Mr. Raymond Chambers
Lt. Gov. Nathan Gordon, CMOH
Gov. Winthrop Rockefeller
Ms. Barbara Netherton
Mr. Harold Nichols
Mr. B. Jack Wilson
Mr. Henry Turner
The 1939 State Champion Menifee Girls Basketball Team
The 1970 State Champion Plumerville Girls Basketball Team
The 1971 State Champion Morrilton Football Team
A special thanks to the following:
Jim Huffman and Chuck Duncan for smoking the chicken
The SCCSD Food Service Staff
The MJHS and MHS Beta Clubs
The MHS Ensemble Choir under the Direction of Tiffanie and Patrick Manes
The MHS Film Team under the direction of Patrick Manes
The SCCSD Hall of Distinction Board of Directors
The SCCSD Learning Community
Tyson Foods for the donation of the chicken
Bronze Sponsors - City of Plumerville, Greenway Equipment, The Shawn Halbrook Family
Silver Sponsors - Ben H. Caruth, PA and Petit Jean State Bank
Gold Sponsor - Centennial Bank
Platinum Sponsor - Green Bay Packaging, Nabholz Construction, and Wayne Smith Trucking
Hall of Distinction Board of Directors:
Tommy Huett, President
Dr. Robert Toney, Vice-President
Patti Hill - Secretary
Trent Tipton
Blake Wright
Larry Miller
Lora Hendrix
Robert Garrett
Elaine Sullivan
Tommy Johnson
Jack Knapp
Shawn Halbrook
Announcing the 2023 SCCSD Hall of Distinction Inductees to the Morrilton High School Student Body.
The SCCSD is excited to host the SCCSD Hall of Distinction Banquet at Devil Dog Arena on May 6th at 6:30 p.m.
May 5th Calendar of Events:
May 4th Calendar of Events:
May 3rd Calendar of Events:
May 2nd Calendar of Events: